More than 30 Years of Engagement for Ohio's Public Good

Community Connections and Higher Education Roundtable

Barbara Allen, Assistant Director of Employee Engagement and Belonging (EEB), Columbus State Community College, Craig Berger, Associate Director, Community Engaged Learning, Bowling Green State University, Makayla Sejat, Kent State University Newman Civic Fellow, and Abby Schoerder, Director, Regula Center, The University of Mount Union

This roundtable will highlight community partnerships, student resource centers, Ohio Campus Compact resources, and outreach events that have been successful in multiple college structures. Featuring guest speakers from Columbus State Community College, the University of Mount Union, and Kent State University, panelists represent a variety of college sizes and models.

Key concepts will include responding to campus needs, building resource centers, creating impactful events, expanding the role of student award recipients, and leveraging resources to support community-engaged learning. Recognizing the power of caring for our communities, creating meaningful experiences, and giving back, the panelists will share their experiences and best practices.

Following a moderated Q&A the panelists will take questions from the audience.

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