More than 30 Years of Engagement for Ohio's Public Good

Great Stories From OCC’s Americorps Student Resource Center – University Of Findlay

Holly McCoy (L) with OCC Executive Director Stephanie Dodd (R) during a site visit.

Meet Holly McCoy, AmeriCorps member at University of Findlay, and read about how she’s fighting food insecurity and developing equality projects on her campus. 

Service is about more than us. It is serving the communities that we are a part of. These could be small communities like our friends and family or any clubs we are in. These could be larger communities such as our campus or our city. But more importantly, any service we do can impact our global community.

My service on campus truly started when I became the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chair for Student Government Association. At that time I helped get the campus pantry up and running. This was the first time where I felt that my service was truly going to have an impact. After we got it started, I was asked if I would be interested in serving my campus as an AmeriCorps member with Ohio Campus Compact. Of course my answer was yes! I wanted to continue to serve in a meaningful way and this role allowed me to do so.

The pride and joy of my service has been the creation of a calculator loaner program. The university requires students to have a specific color calculator and while I campaigned for a policy change, it became clear that was not possible. To assist students in need, I wrote up a contract based on the already existing laptop loaner program. We ordered the red calculators required by the university and students can apply to check out for the semester with the stipulation that they will be returned after finals. This program will begin being piloted in the fall semester.

My service time is coming to an end and it is bittersweet. I will miss the people I met with and served closely to, but I am grateful for the opportunity to serve my peers and establish a new program.

About Holly:

Holly McCoy (she/her/hers) is a fourth-year animal science student at the University of Findlay. She has numerous leadership roles on campus such as President of K-Pop Club, Membership Recruitment Chair and Sisterhood Development Chair for Phi Sigma Sigma, and DEI chair for UF’s Student Government Association. Holly enjoys spending time with dogs, traveling, going to concerts, and reading. Her plans for the future include traveling abroad and working at a zoo with orangutans or rhinos. She is excited to serve her community and peers through AmeriCorps.

Meet all of our 2022-23 AmeriCorps members by visiting our AmeriCorps page!

For more information about the AmeriCorps SRC program, send an email to our office.

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