More than 30 Years of Engagement for Ohio's Public Good

Labor Trafficking Conference

Hosted by: The Bakhita Empowerment Initiative, a Catholic Charities of Louisville program to Combat Human Trafficking The Southeast Regional Human Trafficking Advisory Group, an initiative of the Administration for Children and Families Region 4 Office Wednesday, October 24 & Thursday, October 25, 2018 The Galt House, Louisville, KY Click here for the Labor Trafficking Conference agenda and workshop … Read more

JuST 2017

The nation’s leading conference on juvenile sex trafficking. This unforgettable and inspiring conference features today’s most pressing issues in the anti-trafficking field. Presentations and workshops focus on skill-building, survivor experiences, cross-discipline collaboration, task force development, case studies and lessons learned. The JuST Conference continues to stand by the motto that each person has a role to play in preventing … Read more

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