More than 30 Years of Engagement for Ohio's Public Good

2022 OCC Annual Meeting

Ohio Campus Compact’s Annual Meeting was held on Thursday, August 4th, 2022. Our theme was “Cultivating Change and Sense of Belonging on Campus: The Future of Community and Civic Engagement.”

We started the day with Cultivating Change and Sense of Belonging on Campus: Reuniting the Beloved Community and Ivory Tower Amid New Horizons, a keynote address by Dr. Terrell Strayhorn, Professor of Higher Education at Illinois State University.

Attendees were able to attend three concurrent sessions with experts in the field from around the state. The program also included a plenary luncheon.

Registration 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
The Blackwell Inn Lobby

Continental Breakfast 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Pfahl 1st Floor Foyer

Welcome by Ohio Campus Compact
Pfahl Room 140

Cultivating Change & Sense of Belonging on Campus: Reuniting the Beloved Community & Ivory Tower amid New Norms

Keynote address by Dr. Terrell Strayhorn, Professor of Higher Education at Illinois State University.
Pfahl Room 140

Beyond the Pantry: Parnershipts & Strategy to Support Student Success

Presenters: Alison Doehring & Heather Barhorst, the University of Akron
Pfahl Room 140

The See-Serve-Solve Model: A Comprehensive Model of Service-Learning in Community Contexts

Presenter: Shauna L. Sowga from Columbus State Community College
Pfahl Room 230

Campus Voter Engagement Planning:
From Mid-Term Elections and Beyond

Presenter: Sierra Nathans from Bowling Green State University
Pfahl Room 240

Buffet Lunch
Noon – 1:00 PM
The Blackwell Inn Ballroom BC

Award Recognition & The Future of Ohio Campus Compact
12:30 PM – 1:15 PM
The Blackwell Inn Ballroom BC

Community Collaboration: Making Microcredentials

Presenter: Erica Crawford from Miami University Regionals
Pfahl Room 140

Community Connections and Higher Education Roundtable

Presenters: Barbara Allen from Columbus State Community College, Craig Berger & Makayla Sejat from Kent State University, and Abby Schroeder from The University of Mount Union
Pfhal Room 240

Sponsored by Ohio University’s Center for Campus and Community Engagement
Pfahl 1st Floor Foyer

Insights, Practices, and Opportunities for Increasing Access to Community-based High Impact Learning

Presenters: Kelly Bohrer, Dr. Margie Pinnell, Dr. Kenya Crosson, & Dr. Gerica Brown from the University of Dayton
Pfahl Room 140

Community Engagement: A Strategy to Rethink Hierarchies and Paternalism in Higher Education

Presenter: Katie Evans from Bowling Green State University
Pfahl Room 230

Cultivating a Sense of Presence in a Perceived Absence: Going Beyond Acknowledgment with “In the Round”

Presenters: Jenn Stucker & Heidi L. Nees from Bowling Green State University
Pfahl Room 240

What’s Next for Our Work by Ohio Campus Compact
Pfhal Room 140

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